Effortless Ways To Get More Followers On Twitter Originally (2022)

Twitter is a completely different platform if we compare it to Facebook and Instagram.

Facebook and Instagram is completely photo and video-based platform, but Twitter is a different social media platform. Twitter is a place where the text is mostly used.

If you want to get more followers on Twitter, then you have to follow a different strategy.

Now in the Twenty-First Century, you can know the current situation of a country by Twitter. Earlier, people did not like to come on Twitter because Twitter was only used for Political fights in the past.

But now the situation of Twitter is completely changed; you can follow any profile according to your interests.

Many people want to grow on Twitter, so you have to follow some steps to get more followers on Twitter originally in 2021. If you want to get more followers, then read this complete article.

All these techniques are the easiest way to get followers on Twitter. In this article, we provided 10 Ways To Get More Followers On Twitter.

#1 Tweet Frequently

This is very easy to grow on Instagram and Facebook, but Twitter requires a very aggressive strategy.

According to research on Twitter by Coschedule, 3 to 7 tweets per day can increase engagement on tweets, and if you are a brand, you have to tweet at least 15 or 20 times per day.

You can self-research on someone else Twitter profile, which has the same category profile as you. You can see how much he/she tweeting per day and also the theme of the tweet.

Tweet Frequently when a trending topic is running on Twitter that is related to your profile.

#2 Choose Your Category

Now on Twitter, every category of Twitter profile is available like there are photographers who post-photography related tweets. Some people interested in politics are tweeting about politics; some people interested in motivational or inspirational are tweeting Motivational tweets.

So like this you have to find out what is your interest it can be any category. We strongly suggest you select the category in which you can tweet consistently.

Don't choose other tweet subjects that you cant tweet on that much. If you find out your Tweet category in which you are interested, you can tweet creatively on that topic. Because "Content is The King."

#3 Use Hashtag

According to data, a tweet with a hashtag can increase that by 12.6% engagement than a tweet without a hashtag. 

So the main thing on Twitter is the use of a hashtag. If you want to grow rapidly on Twitter, It can then speed up your development on Twitter.

The main thing is to use only the right, popular, and related Hashtags to your tweet. 

You can add a hashtag like if you are tweeting a motivational tweet, then you can use a hashtag like #motivation#motivational#inspirational#motivationaltweets, etc. 

There is a trend running in every day based on that day, like if today is Sunday, then you can use hashtags like #sundaymotivation, #sundaythoughts, etc. 

You can also use those hashtag which is trending in your area, country, or all over the world. 

There is a very high chance to get followers because these are trending tweets. If you use these hashtags smartly, then you can get more followers on Twitter.

#4 Create Attractive Profile

We suggest you optimize your Twitter Profile for new followers. When we say optimize your profile, it covers so many things, like you have to set a good profile picture with a cover photo that looks attractive to your followers.

According to research on social images, a clean and unobstructed facial photo can attract more people. You have to describe yourself in your bio, which can attract your new followers.

You can add your location, which leaves trust in your followers. You should complete through what you are doing, your workplaces your interest, etc. If you apply all these things, you can get more followers.

#5 Tag Others in Your Tweets

This is the most effective technique to get new followers. When you tweet something, if you feel that you can someone which relatable to your tweet, then tag those popular people.

When you tag those people, your tweet will also show to that person's followers so you can attract that person's followers to your account.

This is the fastest way to increase followers on Twitter. A bonus tip for you is you can tag others and use related hashtags in your tweet. It can get more engagement.

#6 Get More Followers On Twitter From Your Other Sources

You can get followers through your other social media platform. If you are using Instagram, you can post a photo or story to follow you on Twitter, or if you have a Facebook account, you can also do the same thing.

If you have a YouTube channel or website, you can add your Twitter profile link to your website or YouTube channel.

If you have some friend circle or you are in a group, you can get followers from there. This method is also very effective, so definitely try this method.

#7 Tweet Which Can Retweetable

The retweet is the greatest way to get more followers on Twitter. For most of the people who grow rapidly on Twitter, the main thing is they tweet, which is retweetable.

If you are a social worker, then tweet that which can people retweet. It means people can relate to that tweet.

People only retweet that tweet which people relate to that tweet. If you post a good tweet when people are retweet this, your tweet will appear in your follower's tweeter profile. This can be a jackpot for you. In this way, you can also attract his followers to you.

#8 Tweet On Trending Topics

Trending topics can give you massive followers on Twitter. We already saw many people who tweet on trending topics and get thousands of followers.

If you also want to tweet on trending topics, you just have to keep eyes daily on the "
Explore" tab where all trending hashtag was shown.

If you find some hashtag goes trending that day, post tweets that can be retweetable.

If people retweet your tweet, then you can get thousands of followers in a day. Make sure the topics you are going to be tweet is must be relatable to your audience.

#9 Post Visual Content

A tweet with visual content can attract and engage the audience in your tweets. A Tweet with visual content receives more likes, retweets, and shares than without visual content.

You can write at least 280 characters on Twitter. Twitter also allows you to add an image or video with 280 characters of a tweet, so don't lose that feature.

#10 Tweet at Your Best Time

Every Twitter user has its own best time to tweet. When you tweet at your best time, you can get more audience engagement in your tweet.

If you are thinking about finding the best time to tweet, you can only find out by yourself; you just have to tweet at a different time in a day and find out which time when you tweet something you are getting a high amount of likes and retweet.

That is the best time. If you find your own time, then you can get more followers on Twitter.

#11 Get Thousands of Twitter Followers in One Day (Not Recommended)

If you want real followers as soon as possible, in which you do not need to do any hard work, then you can also increase your Twitter followers through any third-party application.

If you have some money, you can buy Twitter followers from a third-party
SMM panel. On Google.com, you will find many SMM panel which provides you thousands of followers at a cheap rate.

Buying Twitter followers is not a safe way; if you want followers as soon as possible, there is no other option.

If you do not have money to buy Twitter followers, you will find many such applications on Google PlayStore that application provides you free followers.

Otherwise, the best option is to follow the above methods, which will help you get real Twitter followers.


We hope you like our article on "Effortless Ways To Get More Followers On Twitter Originally (2021)". If you find our article helpful to you, then share this article with others.

If you also want to grow your Instagram account with Twitter account, so you will find many techniques for getting more followers on Instagram on SmmBaba.com.

If you have any queries or some other useful techniques to get more followers on Twitter, then suggest us in the comment section.
