Mind-Blowing Facts About Making Instagram Profile Attractive (2022)

Instagram is the best place to promote product services and increase your followers and fans. Instagram was first launched only just for a photo-sharing app.

Now, it is becoming identity proof like an aadhaar card in the online world. I know it sounds funny, but this is the reality of today's world. After YouTube, Instagram is the most used social media platform in the world.

Now Instagram has over
200 Million active users monthly. If you want to grow on Instagram, then you must make your Instagram Profile Attractive.

If you are posting photos and video smartly, but your followers are not increasing that much, you just have to know how to make Instagram profile attractive. It's like you have to put some butter on the bread.

Many people want to
get followers and want to famous on Instagram. If your overall profile looks good and attractive, then anyone will be started following you.

If you want an attractive Instagram profile, you just need to follow some tips that many Instagram users have already proved. So read the complete article and apply all these techniques.

#1 Learn From Your Favourites Instagram Profiles

If you want to make your Instagram Profile more attractive, then this method can help you so much. You already know some Instagram account that is your favorite profile.

I know you must visit some Instagram accounts to regularly see his/her posts because they are using some unique and creative techniques to attract followers to their profiles.

You just need to do that note of the techniques and tricks used there that you can't control yourself to check they are profiles. You just have to notice by yourself.

For example, keep an eye on him is he/she following any particular color in photos or videos, how many photos or videos posting in a week, which type of editing he/she does like the color combination, etc.

12 Outstanding Ways To Get More Likes On Instagram Originally

Is that person doing Q&A sessions? and also the writing style of bio, etc. These are some examples of noticing your favorite profiles. Don't take decisions by saw only one person.

We suggest you learn from 4/5 Instagram profiles. This technique will be beneficial to you. If you use this technique, you can learn faster than how to make your Instagram profile attractive.

#2 Set a Memorable and Easy Username

Most people do not set a good username that sounds good and memorable and searchable for other Instagram users. 

This is also the main reason for his Instagram profile does not look attractive. That's why they even lose some new followers because they can't remember after seeing your username once.

If you want to show your attractive Instagram profiles. In that case, first, you have to set a good and simple username, which is memorable and simple. 

I know now you have a question in your mind about finding a right user name? Don't worry. We will also have a solution. You can notice some other Instagram popular profiles/celebrity, which already has an easy username. You can also copy that person's style. 

We suggest you do not set user names like xyz76897xyz50. These are so complicated to remember, so do not use numbers in a username. It can create a big confusion. Keep your username searchable and meaningful.

#3 Set an Attractive Bio

Set an Instagram Bio that sizzles. Many people have just ignored the bio section, and they are not put their bio seriously.

Many people write useless things in their bio, which creates a wrong impression on their whole profile. If you want to make your Instagram profile attractive, then you have to ignore these mistakes.

You just get 150 characters to write a bio, so make them count. Tell people what you do means your profession, what they can expect to see from you, and the most important, why they should follow you.

These are the main thing you have to describe if you are not a celebrity or an actor. You can also mention if you received an award or prizes, it can create a very good impression. So set your good bio then your profile will be more attractive.

#4 Set a Clean Profile Picture

A profile picture also the main part of an Attractive Instagram profile. If you use a smartphone or Pc to use Instagram, everyone's profile picture shows in small size.

Many people set their profile picture, which does not look good. It may be a full photo. That's why the profile picture of that person not memorable and does not look good.

If you want to set a good profile photo, you have to follow some rules like making sure your profile photo must be closed, and your face must be a clean look.

When you choose a profile picture, try to keep it as long as possible because if you continuously change DP, it can be a problem for new followers who may have trouble finding your account.

#5 Choose Your Business Category

This feature can give you a professional and attractive look to your Instagram profile. This feature is you can choose your profession, and it will be shown under your Instagram Profile name, which can increase your profile look.

You can get this feature from the settings section. If you are an entrepreneur, you can set, if you are a filmmaker, you can set, if you do acting in films or any other, you can also set Actor.

This feature gives you a professional look to your profile. So use this feature to get an attractive profile.

#6 Set Your Instagram Contact Option

This feature provides you to add your other contact option in your profile With your business account. If you want to use this feature, then you must have a business account.

You can add your contact details here, like you can add your contact number, email address, and location of a place.

When a person clicks on that, he/she will be redirected to the phone, email app, and map app.

This feature is very useful if you are in any profession. If you do not want to add your actual address, you can add your city or state.

#7 Maintain Theme Of Your Profile

Maintain a theme in a sense if you are uploading your photo, so try to edit all your picture in the same overall color.

Ex- If you like the black color then and you are uploading black and shade images, upload all your photo with this type of editing of your photo or if your most photos reflect blue color and then upload that type of photo.

Maintaining a good theme in your Instagram Profile will be attracting more people. If you maintain mood through colors, then your Instagram profile will be more attractive.

#8 Get Blue Tick Mark (Verified on Instagram)

I know it sounds stupid. But this is today's reality that those who verified on Instagram got their blue tick mark, and it can increase your Instagram Profile to the next level.

But today's many people are
becoming verified on Instagram. If you are serious about Instagram that you want to get verified.

In that case, you just have to follow all these rules and read our full article on how to
get more followers on Instagram properly, and you will get verified.

If your planning is not big on social media, then you just focus on your content that you are posting. It will also make your Instagram profile attractive, and you will get more followers because "Content is The King."


We hope this article on "Mind-Blowing Facts About How to Make Instagram Profile Attractive (2021) will be useful for you. If you find our article helpful to you, then share this article with your friends. You can also read our other article on Instagram.
